Monday, January 25, 2010

Bless You Boys

I jumped around.
I hugged my cute boyfriend.
I got all teary.
I called my Mom.
I listened over the phone as my niece and nephew screamed.
Our Saints are going to the Super Bowl,

[[My Louisiana girls, are you dying? Who Dat?!]]

12 love notes:

  1. i am a HUGE cowboys fan, but was totally rooting for your boys last night!! I was so glad to see favre get hurt!!!

  2. ;(

    i had this whole comment and it vanished!

    WHO DAT! I was a nervous wreck the entire time and then WE WON. The home phone and cell were blowing up! Texts, calls, emails!

    My sis and I cried together.

    My 88 year old Cajun Grandpa is so proud!

  3. Yeah, it’s pretty unbelievable. Growing up here in Louisiana, it has always been a joke about the Saints and the Super bowl.

  4. Yeah for you, football, fun and your cute boyfriend.
    Darling blog post!

  5. DYYYYING!!! I've been walking around with warm fuzzies on my insides since last night. Bless those boys! Whoda thunkit??

  6. Geaux Saints!!

    I'm giving away a little sumthin'-sumthin' on my blog, come see me!

  7. Congrats! How I wish my Jets were playing your Saints in the Super Bowl! Oh well. I'll root for the Saints simply because of Reggie Bush. :)

  8. I'm happy for all you Saints fans out there! You deserve it. I'm rooting for you to beat those evil Colts cuz I don't really like them!

    Let's go Saints!

  9. Yes, I was on the phone with family all night. It was amazing. We are not the "Aints" any more. WHO DAT!

  10. goooo saints! i LOVE the colts, but i really think new orleans really needs to bring it all the way!!

  11. We like the Saints in Indiana, mostly because we still lay a little claim to Drew Brees.

    Should be a great game!

  12. I'm more of a hockey gal, but sounds like your really excited ;)


You've always been my favorite... don't tell the others!