Monday, December 28, 2009

My life in fast forward...

Whew... this life of mine, like many of yours, has been BUSY.
I can't begin to go into everything that has been going on... so this will just be a blurt post.
Ya know, in which I spastically blurt out whatever pops into my head :)

* Celebrated a friend's graduation from nursing school with my gals and their men & then we all went to a restaurant to eat, drink, watch the Saints game & be merry! Unfortunately, the loss of our team brought our merry down a bit, but it's always a merry time when I'm with my amazing friends :)
The little lady to the left of me is the graduate...
& the day after Christmas she became an engaged woman! Woah woah woah, my friends are dropping like flies! (the guy in the blue polo is the lucky man who gets to marry her)

*I met WG's parents last week. They live in Kansas City & this is the first time they've been down here in LA since we began dating. They were nice!

* I got to help my Sister set up Santa toys this year :) Felt very lucky to get to be Santa without ever having to birth a baby! I also got to wake up early and see the look on this little reindeer's perfect face when she saw her display of Santa gifts.
* Spent Christmas day with my family. Soaked up the sweet innocence of my nieces and nephew & the love of my big crazy family! I crawled around on the floor and played dinosaurs & cars with the little Mr.
& rocked baby dolls & nibbled on plastic cookies with the girls. :)
(Me, Squishy Baby & my Big Brother)
* WG & I have been able to spend a good bit of time together recently. We went to Christmas Eve dinner with his family at a plantation called Houma's House in Burnside, LA. It was gorgeous!

How was YOUR Christmas?

Regular posting will be back in full swing just as soon as the holidays are officially OVER!
I've been stock piling things I want to write about!

13 love notes:

  1. OK, your like the cutest thing!

    Love your blog. Sounds like a great Christmas! :-)

    Happy New Year!


  2. Sounds like you had a fabulous Christmas! Aren't nieces and nephews a blast?

  3. Looks like you had a great holiday! And I'm sure his parents loved you, how could they not? :)

  4. so glad u had a great time and im sure his parents thought u wer great. (:


  5. Aweeee, I just love you.

    So glad you had amazing holidays....and I can't wait to send you pictures of the kids in their cuteness.

    Auntie Lacey is the best.

  6. P.S. I need an update on the man situation. =)

  7. you have such a cute family!!
    glad you had a wonderful christmas hun!! :)
    have a great week, happy new year! XO

  8. Cute pics!

    Christmas was good....

    Cant wait for NEW YEARS!

  9. I am right there with you. So busy!

    Glad you had a very Merry Christmas! Miss you around these parts.

  10. Your Christmas sounds like it was full of love! Mine was too, although it was busy and I was exhausted.

  11. I've never actually been to Houma's House, but I have heard great things about it. My boyfriend's sister actually got married, and they said it was a great place for a wedding.


You've always been my favorite... don't tell the others!