Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Mosey Days

Recently, MR and I went into the city to get some fresh air and just mosey about.  It just so happened that Seafood Festival happened to be that day, so we decided to check it out before we walked down to the French Market.
We ate fried stuff on sticks. [I have to be honest.  The food we had was lack luster, which was totally disappointing.  You could tell they were cutting corners on the seafood and using as many other ingredients as possible to save money.  There were some seriously delicious looking options though.. we just chose the wrong ones!]
We paroused a few art and craft booths. I decided to take a picture of this booth just because there were lots of colors & the guy running the booth jumped up to tell me "No!".   I mean seriously, dude?  There are 3 or 4 booths in the French Market selling exactly the same thing as you.  You're not breaking any ground here.(It was magnets with famous New Orleans landmarks and stores on them & coasters with so much laquer on them that they don't work.)  So I kindly snapped my photo anyway & then smiled and waved. :)
Lafayette Square- Seafood Fest
These two are super talented & can be found playing around the french quarter almost every day.
They were covering "Simple man" this particular day.
Big Shot Cola display in the market.  How pretty!
My Photo Challenge photo for day 9:  Faceless Self Portrait
I went with a very literal translation on this one!  I just though this book title was too perfect to pass up on the photo op.
Yes, I am sitting on the couch in Anthropology.  This is where MR sits while i shop ;)

4 love notes:

  1. I love your faceless self portrait!! Anything fried on a stick always looks delish! ;)

  2. i have heard such great things about that book, do you recommend reading it?


You've always been my favorite... don't tell the others!