Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I sat here for 5 minutes trying to think of a title

I almost just wrote a whole post about Frosted Flakes and how I realized that they put games on the back of cereal boxes because you can't hear the television when you eat cereal. The crunching is too loud. ALMOST. See how close you were to being subjected to that crap? Mmmhmm, you're welcome for coming to my senses.
Martha Stewart is coming on & I've got a hot boy cuddled up against me(fast asleep)... so you see, I've got better things to do right now.
Don't worry... I still love you! I'll be back tomorrow with something worth reading :)

8 love notes:

  1. I did that last week. I completely ran out of ideas for a blog title, so the title was, for someone to help me come up with a title.. or some shyte like that.

  2. You're as random as I am...and it cracks me up! :)

  3. I love Frosted Flakes.... and Honey Combs!!! Hope you had a nice time snuggling with Boy... I would much rather be doing that (with my Joe of course), than working!!!

  4. So true! I never thought of it quite like that. :)

  5. I haven't eaten Frosted Flakes in years...and now I want some

  6. I lost after you wrote frosted flakes. My favorite.<3


You've always been my favorite... don't tell the others!