Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Mother's Day Gift Idea

Mother's day is just a few weeks away & if you're like me you're scrambling to figure out what to get your Mom... your boyfriend's mom... your "she's not my Mom but acts like my Mom"...
you get the gist.
Well, stop your searching kiddies, I've got your back!
How stinking cute & chic is this bad boy?

Timeless, right?
I can do your silhouette, your kids silhouettes(I can do multiples on one pillow too), a dogs silhouette... ya' know, just about any silhouette! All you need to do is tell the subject to turn to the side(or the front if that's whatcha want) and then snap a pic and send it to me! Bing, bang, boom!
& Ya know? Since I love you guys, I'll give you free shipping.
& Also, if you're buying a pillow & blog/tweet/facebook about it...
you'll get a little somethin' somethin' extra thrown in!
Whhhaaat? I know, I've gone to crazy town & I'm never comin' home y'all!

3 sizes available: 12x16 - $25
16x16 - $30
18x18 - $35
*price includes 1 silhouette there will be a $2 charge for each additional silhouette
due to the time and material taken to create it.

If you're interested, shoot me an email!

17 love notes:

  1. How many silhouettes can fit on one people?

  2. Um genius! And I'm ordering one as soon as this little guy gets old enough. Maybe mothers day next year? Too bad we can't get his profile with just an ultrasound picture :)

  3. Wow, those are gorgeous!!! What a great gift idea.

  4. Dear Lacey,
    YOU, my dear, are a LIFE SAVER!

    I have been a trainwreck trying to find a good gift. This is really perfect! I will run this by my siblings & will be contacting you shortly if this awesome idea checks out with my brother and sister!

    Thank youuuuuuu for being creative!

    x, K

  5. I die!!! That is adorable and you are amazing. =)

  6. What a great idea! I wonder if my 7yr old would think to order me this for Mother's Day?!?!

  7. What an adorable idea. Very cute! And I love your blog!

  8. OMG, actually, rewind and ignore my last message!! you make them!!?

  9. I think I will send my Mom another card that says "Thanks for spitting me out of your vagina" again this year insead.

    The pillow is pretty cool though!

  10. these are so stinkin' cute! great idea, love them.

  11. those are ADORABLE.
    okay, totally going on my list of mom's day possibilities. :)

  12. these are darling! super idea!!
    Happy Friday! Have a great weekend! :)

  13. That is so adorable! What a great idea!



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