Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Too busy to blog? Not really...

I guess you may have noticed that I don't blog every day(as I once did) anymore. I used to sit and stare at my computer and pray for words to flood out of my fingertips. This usually took place at night when I should have been sleeping. I guess part of me felt like, 'There are people who are coming here every day to see what I'M doing. Crazy, I know... but they're here & I don't want to disappoint them.' So I would dig down deep and find SOMETHING to write, a picture to post... anything, really. But a few months ago, my life got to the point where there were more important things happening around me, and I told myself "It's OKAY not to be here(at lacey in love) every single day. If I make it here three times a week, great! If I make it here once a week, great! Whatever." I want to be here when I have something to write about, a great picture to post, something to share that inspires me... I don't want to force it. If I'm forcing it on me, I'm forcing it on you & well, that's not cool. I don't think I will ever leave this little space of mine, because it means so much to me. I have "met" all of you because of it & I will never turn my back on that. SO, if you notice I'm not around a ton... shoot me an email or leave a comment if you want to chat. I am always here... I'm just not always writing. I think sometimes I may pop in on those off days just to tell you what is more important than blogging :)
[kind of oxymoronic, right?]

Things that trump blogging:
[teaching the future generation to bake a mean batch of brownies... while looking dashing in The Little Mermaid jam jams and an apron, no less]

[planning a very cool October with the MR.]
[making sure my boyfriend's feet are the perfect temperature for sleeping]

11 love notes:

  1. Oh, I so love that last pic! I've missed your face. So happy to be back over here, and you know I totally understand the non-daily blogging. I got a life to live!

  2. Love you Lace! And your niece is ADORABLE!

  3. :) Gonna miss you, but, life needs to happen!!

  4. I tagged you on a question post in my blog, come take a look! Suzanne

  5. Let me know when you're in Chi and need any recommendations and such!

  6. I admire you for this post. It is super difficult to back away from a blog and admit it so confidently. :) You brave lady, you. I still beat myself up for not blogging like I'm "supposed to". And it's been since May! haha
    Love you. Call me. I'll cook. Seriously.

  7. I love this post because I feel the exact same way about blogging! I think that its important to remember that blogging is a personal choice and a personal facet of ourselves. We don't need to try and impress people and live up to other's standards on our OWN blog. That is just shinanigans.

    Basically, what I'm saying is...I like your blog. And it is okay with me if you don't do it every single day =)


  8. I love this post because I feel the exact same way about blogging! I think that its important to remember that blogging is a personal choice and a personal facet of ourselves. We don't need to try and impress people and live up to other's standards on our OWN blog. That is just shinanigans.

    Basically, what I'm saying is...I like your blog. And it is okay with me if you don't do it every single day =)


  9. awwww so cute!!!! I completely agree, and I look forward to the posts that you feel are the most special, and the ones meant to share. :)

  10. We all get there! Just go with it and write when you feel inspired. We'll wait. :)

  11. Cute post! And yes I believe that life is meant to live, not to ignore for blog-land lol. It's all about prioritizing and balancing:-)

    I hope you are having fun girly!


You've always been my favorite... don't tell the others!