Monday, August 8, 2011

Free Birthday Swag

My birthday is rapidly approaching.  On August 19th, I will be 21... (cough cough +6.)  While getting older hasn't been all that big of a hoot since I hit my early twenties, I do quite enjoy the perks stores and restaurants give you for your birthday!  I like free, don't you?  Here are some places that give you free swag that I've come across:
Sephora sends you a coupon for a birthday gift when you sign up for their Beauty Insider club
(no purchase necessary in store, with purchase online)
This years gift is a 6oz bottle of Happy Birthday, Beautiful! shampoo/bubble bath/body wash

Baskin Robbins sends you a coupon for free ice cream 5 days before your birthday if you sign up for their Birthday club!
I will just have to make a decision between mint chocolate chip & praline pecan!

If you sign up for Aveda's B-day program, you will receive a coupon for a free gift valued up to $24
Yay for free products!
But wait, I just learned about a company that offers a free beauty service on your birthday!  Sweet!
Benefit is offering anyone who shows a valid ID on their birthday a free brow consultation and grooming!
Just look for the pink Benefit counter in your local makeup counter filled department store.

Ya' think I can manage to hit all of these places on my birthday? haha :)

5 love notes:

  1. i love sephora's birthday perks. they are my favorite :)

  2. ...good thing i live in iowa and we don't believe in fancy little places like this so i don't get to participate! hahah what a freakin' joke!

    i'm excited for your birthday - i think a have a favor to return ;) hmmm... better get brainstorming!

  3. You are the cutest! thanks for the tips :)

  4. lacey! did we know that not only do we have the same name, but our birthdays are only ONE DAY APART! how crazy! also, it seems that you too celebrate your 21st birthday year after year. I will be turning 21, again, on the 18th! Im so happy to share not only a name but alos,that moment that it turns from my day to yours with you! happy early birthday lace!

  5. thanks so much for this post - it was actually my bday on the 8th! i'm still eligible for the sephora gift and i can't wait to get it!
    happy birthday to you next week :)
    xx, kait


You've always been my favorite... don't tell the others!