Saturday, March 28, 2009

For Sale: Junk In My Trunk

I had to do this to get my jeans on this morning:Then I thought, "Hrmm, must have stiffened up in the dryer? They'll stretch out as the day goes on and be more comfortable." WRONG. I could. not. wait. to get get home and take those puppies off. I suppose I've worn dresses a lot lately because the weather has been nice(that all changed a few days ago). Anyway, I'm fat. Haha, okay not quite, but my jeans think so! So, it's time to watch what I eat and excercise more. Woo. Hoo. I think I'm going to keep a food & workout journal. I feel like if I have to see it all layed out on paper at the end of the day, I'll be more likely to stick to my plan. Ergh, I'll keep you updated!
Oh, icing on the cake? Freaking Valerie Bertinelli looks better in a bikini than I do. Seriously? What is this world coming to? Ha
I may post a blogversations later... I have work until 6:30, BOOOOOO!

6 love notes:

  1. has food journals, if you are interested. I use the site to count calories.

  2. Doesn't she look amazing, though?!? And, sorry about the jeans - I'm sure you'll back to normal in no time. ;)

  3. There are those times of the month where it may seem like it is but try it again in a few days and see. Really. I need to keep a food journal myself but then I'm a very lazy person. Bad example.

  4. WOW. I missed that magazine cover. She looks amazing. It seems like everyone is getting in shape right now. I know I am. LOL.

  5. Yeah, I got depressed when I saw that magazine cover. Sigh.

  6. I hear you! I knew I was packing some extra junk in my trunk when on my last day of vacation my jeans were way tighter than the first day. I wrenched my neck and was taking anti-inflamatories......I knew they'd make me retain water, but 8 lbs. worth? Yes. 8 lbs. Don't worry. 7.5 are gone but I think I'm forever scarred. :)


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