Monday, March 30, 2009

I'm embarrassed for you... Carry on!

Awkward, right? & Seriously Mr., why are you wearing your Sister's shorts? I would have said girlfriend, but let's be practical here. The guy is playing ping pong while wearing booty shorts.

So, I found this because it was on the front page of Yahoo! First of all, is this really front page worthy? The answer: HECK YES IT IS! (The headline was something like, "Ping Pong dance: Bad Sportsmanship?" Why, yes. Yes it is bad sportsmanship.) Have I ever told you I revel in watching others make fools of themselves? It's awkward and I feel embarrassed for them & I love every second of it. I actually think I sit there with a dumb grin on my face while taking it all in. Speaking of....

Does anyone else cringe when they watch Holly Madison dance on Dancing with the Stars? Agh, it's so bad it's good. My face turns pink for her, really. I give props to anyone who is on that show, especially if they have no dance experience. & You can tell she has definitely spent ZERO time in a dance studio. Some people WERE NOT meant to dance, that's all I'm sayin'!

A conversation I overheard between my Mom & Sister:

Mom: The guy from the Sex and The City movie is good.

Sister: Yeah & The Bachelor girl is pretty good too. Plus, everyone feels bad for her so I'm sure she's getting pitty votes.

Mom: Mmm hmm, and Holly... well, she's just got boobs.

Agh, my Mom is a HI-LARIOUS and she doesn't even know it!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

For Sale: Junk In My Trunk

I had to do this to get my jeans on this morning:Then I thought, "Hrmm, must have stiffened up in the dryer? They'll stretch out as the day goes on and be more comfortable." WRONG. I could. not. wait. to get get home and take those puppies off. I suppose I've worn dresses a lot lately because the weather has been nice(that all changed a few days ago). Anyway, I'm fat. Haha, okay not quite, but my jeans think so! So, it's time to watch what I eat and excercise more. Woo. Hoo. I think I'm going to keep a food & workout journal. I feel like if I have to see it all layed out on paper at the end of the day, I'll be more likely to stick to my plan. Ergh, I'll keep you updated!
Oh, icing on the cake? Freaking Valerie Bertinelli looks better in a bikini than I do. Seriously? What is this world coming to? Ha
I may post a blogversations later... I have work until 6:30, BOOOOOO!

Friday, March 27, 2009

I need a stronger word than Blitch for this one

Im pissed Pictures, Images and Photos

Man, it seems to be a really stinkin' bad week for blogging. I love looking back on weeks of my entries that make me feel happy & fulfilled... this week isn't one of them. I blogged a while back about being hurt and feeling pain for someone I love & what they were going through ... I'm still feeling that way. It's been 2 months(at least)... it seems to only be getting worse. It seems pointless to pray for things to get better. At this point I'm just praying for the pain to stop, which it probably won't for many years.
Why are people such scum? How can such scummy people hide under a cloak of excellence for so long and then, BAM- pull it off in a flash. TaDaaa, CRUMMY. I feel like screaming, punching, kicking, biting... I hate that someone has the power to make me feel that way. I feel like I should be stronger than that.
I need a way to deal with this anger... what can I do?
You know... I'm more disappointed than angry. I thought you were better than this... turns out you're worse than anyone could have ever imagined. Congratulations on being a complete failure of a human being. Well done. Really, excellent job. My hat is off.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Writer's Workshop: Let this be my Prayer

Pray Pictures, Images and Photos
This gorgeous picture was found via photobucket

This I Pray
I've struggled with severe anxiety since I was a toddler. I had panic attacks before panic attacks were cool. I could write the book. I probably should. I'm seeing signs of anxiety in my sweet niece Squishy already at the ripe old age of 4 months. I spent the afternoon with my Squish and when she left I spent 30 minutes praying for her & crying. I don't want her to go through the confusions, through the questioning God, through the tears. I don't want her to know fear like that. I wish I could wave a magic wand and make it go away. I've feared as long as I can remember that my own children would pick up this horrible trait of mine(I still do, cause uhm- i don't have kids, amen.)... I forgot to think about my nieces and nephews. It never crossed my mind. It crosses my mind everyday now. Every single day.
If my feelings are right & this is something she will have to learn to live with, then I think of the anxiety I battle as a blessing in disguise. At least I can relate.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Guilty Pleasure and Q&A

WordlFUL Wednesday
...I'm giving up my guilty pleasure today...

I find ways to take pictures of people(ahem, strangers) that I think look absolutely ridiculous.


(the key is to get one of your friends to act like they are posing for a picture... I call them my wing men in these cases-haha)

I know. I KNOW! This is my best "catch" yet! We affectionately refer to her as 'Slut Face Barbie'. What was really great was seeing her with her date. You'd expect him to be wearing a flashy button down shirt with all kinds of chachkies and a pinky ring, right? NOPE, he was wearing a baseball hat, long sleeve tee shirt, old jeans & athletic shoes. I don't know how many times my friend's and I looked at one another and asked, "Seriously?" that evening. Whew, good times.

What's your guilty pleasure?

Okay, time for Q&A: I've pulled these from old comments and emails

You've mentioned that you CANNOT fall asleep if you still have your makeup on... so, what kind of crack are you washing your face with that makes you so committed? Ha, I loved the wording on this question. It's true, I can't sleep if there is a stitch of makeup on my face! I honestly think it's because my Mom would preach to me that if I slept in makeup it would ruin my skin. She told me it would make me age faster... I'm not sure that's true, but it did scare the bejeezes out of me enough to get me to wash my face before crashing! When I hit about 17 she started preaching the importance of moisturization & as it goes, I became addicted to that too. GOOD MOMMY! Anyway... onto the real answer, I suppose? I wash my face with Cetaphil Cleanser. I think all skin should be treated like it's sensitive. I mean, why not? It is fragrance-free and non-comedogenic, so I can use it everyday twice a day and never feel dry and funky. Not that it makes my skin perfect(like I would LOVE it to be), but it does the job.

Seriously, you taught yourself to sew?
Well, yes and no. My Mom taught me many years ago how to sew a straight line into fabric. I would use this grand skill two times during college to make curtains for my apartment. One morning I woke up and had the craziest urge to sew myself a tote bag. WHO DOES THAT? Even I find myself strange. Anyway, I went and bought fabric and sat down and figure out how to sew a tote bag. A few hours later I had moved on to bibs. A few days later I had perfected the bib. I moved on to changing pads/diaper and wipe bags/dresses... and by doing so, I taught myself how to sew. I don't use patterns, I just make them up. I figure out sizing by measurments & work from there. Don't get me wrong... sometimes I call my mom and ask her how to do certain things on the machine since it was originally hers. She teaches me lots of neat tricks :)

I love the outfits you put together on Polyvore. What is your ideal outfit?
If you bumped into me at the market, I'd probably be wearing something like this...

my ideal

Now... if you bump into me in my dreams, I'll look something like this ; )
dream girl

That's all folks!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Blitch Blitch Blitch

Ugh. Today is not mine, that's for sure.

  • I woke up with an enormous desire to go back to sleep.
  • I got to work and the shop is a big freakin' wreck.
  • The embroidery machine and I are not friends today. Not even close.
  • The UPS truck is pulling up as we speak with a bunch of crap for me to unpack. I don't feel like it nor do I have the time.
  • I do have time to sit here and blitch (that's my word for blog posts where I simply bitch).
  • Boy text: What time do you get off of work today? Lacey text: 5, Why do you ask? Boy: NO RESPONSE. Grrr. Why, why, why?
  • I typed half of this with my eyes closed. Talent, right? Or something along those lines...
  • I dripped salad dressing from my wrap all over my jeans earlier. I look awesome now.
  • Did I mention I'm tired? We have a lounger that is calling my name. It's like some kind of sick joke.
  • I think I'm going to do a Q & A post tomorrow since I'm feeling sleepy. I have a few questions in my inbox I've been needing to get around to. Sorry for not being snappy, curious people!
  • Coffee? Coffee? Coffee? I need you so!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Tuesday's Tribute: The Boy Next Door

Tuesday's Tribute
A Jay and Deb Production.

The Boy Next Door: I CALL HIM GAN GAN

I grew up in the house next door to my Grandma & Grandpa. I call them Nanny & Grand Daddy. From the moment I could baby talk(which I did for a long time because I was the baby in my family & not one person felt it necessary to correct me because it was "cute"), I dubbed my Grand Daddy "Gan Gan". Not one other grandchild had called him this, so I don't know why I did... but it stuck. I don't think I even realized I was calling him something different from everyone else! Gan Gan was a great playmate for me. He would sit on the porch and watch as I made sand pies(similar to mud pies... except I would substitute mud for sand because it's what was on hand... I was a regular Rachel Ray, I tell you!), and then he would actually take them inside and place them in the oven for me. My Nanny would find them later after we'd long forgotten about them & I'm sure my poor Gan Gan would get a mouthful, but it never stopped him. He was also a big fan of Beauty parlor and would allow me to wreck his face with my Bonne Bell makeup, God bless him. & Then there were rainy afternoons where we would sit in the den and watch some of the mail order cartoons my Nanny would buy us. Grand Daddy would sit and laugh with me like it was the first time we'd seen it. He was one of my first playmates, you see? I love him so much for that.

One afternoon(I believe my Mom and I were just getting home after a kindergarten field trip) I announced to my Mom "I am going to Grand Daddy's!". I remember her grabbing my hand to walk me over and saying, "You don't call him that! You call him Gan Gan!". "From now on I am going to call him Grand Daddy!", I said with a smile. My Mom says that's one of the saddest things she's ever heard me say. By the time I was 14 I was back to calling him Gan Gan... the whole Grand Daddy thing just wasn't me, apparently! I think I realized how sweet it was that only I called him that. It's our thing.

I was 2 in this shot. I'm pretty sure he'd still let me make him over if I asked :)


Friday, March 20, 2009

I am a wanderer... I have no place or time

I'm about to wander all over this post. Hang tight or you'll get lost!

I'm exhausted. I've been working a lot and we have friends in town... so it's just been non-stop around here. I need to get up off of my rear and sew a bib before I can crash... but instead I'm going to lay here and blog. RESPONSIBLE! ::coughcoughshutupcoughcough::

I'm craving this book & vow to go to Urban Outfitters and buy it soon! It should be full of goodness and inspiration for me!

Speaking of Urban stinkin' cute is this stuff!? Once again, I cannot wait to have my own home to fill!

Tomorrow I have an appointment at the salon to take care of this mop on my head... yay! & Tomorrow night I'm having a girls night with my very best friends(all from high school) to celebrate two of the girls birthdays. That means today was spent baking cupcakes! Yum! I went retro with them & think they look so cute. After the salon I am heading to the market for ingredients for jello shots and spinach & artichoke dip! It should be an amazingly fun night! Pictures will be taken... of course!

I'm SOOOO tired. If I rolled over right now I would pass out. I hate knowing that once I get up and sew that bib I will be wide awake(but still exhausted). Ergh, oh well. It is what it is, and it aint that bad my friends!(I only use the word "aint" playfully. It bugs me otherwise. Who's with me?)

Goodnight Lovies :) Hope you have a fantastic Friday!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Writer's Workshop: I'm A Lyrical Gangster

I used to think:

that in AC/DC's song "Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap" they were actually saying, "Dirty Deeds, The Thunder Chief".

that the Song "Barbara Ann" was actually called "Bop-A-Ran". Bop Bop Bop, Bop Bop-A-Ran!

that in The Pussycat Dolls song, "When I Grow Up", they were saying "When I grow up I wanna have BOOBIES", but apparently they are saying "When I grow up I wanna have GROUPIES." Whatever... I still stand by that one!

that in U2's "Do They Know It's Christmas?" they were singing "Vi-Va-Hoooooooo!" instead of "Feed The Wooooorld!"

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Wordful Wednesday: It's Greased Lightnin'

Wordful Wednesday: A Spring Drive
BEEP BEEP!! "Let's go for a ride, Doll Face!"
"Okay, but only if you'll let me drive!"

"Woah, woah, woah... I thought by 'drive' you meant sit there and look pretty!?"
"I can almost feel the power between my fingers!"

"Get your own car, toots!"
"Fine, Monkey Man! I'm out of here!"

"I'm a better driver than him, anyway!"

For more Wordful Wednesday's, visit Seven Clown Circus!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Because everyone loves a RANDOM post

So, I was originally going to announce the winner of my Spring Fling today, but instead I will wait until tomorrow and announce it at the end of blogversations with Summer!
Yesterday, I had a few moments that were pure perfection. They looked like this...

I know. I told you, remember?!
The rest of it was not so grand. I started my day by going to pick up some bibs I had dropped off earlier in the week to a boutique I sell to. It was a special order for 3 bibs, and the woman asked if I could make them 2 INCHES LONGER. 2 INCHES!?! What the heck? Weird request! She didn't even care if the extra two inches were functioning or not... they could be ribbon or ponpom balls for all she cared. WHY, WHY, WHY?! They looked cuter the first time I finished them, that's all I'm saying! ::Sighs:: Alright, I'm done with that.
I also started on a few other projects and orders, which I hate. I like to start and finish things all in one day... I can't stand leaving a project sitting!
My bedroom is a mess and I have to get it straight by tomorrow afternoon, because we have friends coming in town from MN. My parents met them on a trip to Europe & they became fast friends. They have 2 little ones, so I'll have EVER MORE BABIES to play with for the next few days! Which brings me to another topic...
I'm sick of living with my parents. I love them, and I love spending time with them... but I'm ready for my own place again. I miss my apartment.
Did you guys recognize the bucket in the background of the picture above? Remember I showed you my re-do a few months ago(on the old blog)? Here's the replay.
Bought for $3 at Tuesday morning. They reduced the price fro me because it had some scuffs! Don't be afraid to ask the cashier if they can reduce the price if there is a flaw! I used to be so embarrassed when my Mom would do that when I was younger, but I have NO SHAME now!
I grabbed some gorgeous robins egg blue spray paint and prettied her up with it!

She needed some shine, so I added some bling! I felt like it was still lacking something, so I ended up adding the black ribbon. I LOVE it now :) It cost me $10 total! It sits on my nightstand and holds my journal, books, body lotion... you know, all my night time must haves! I know I couldn't have found something I love in any store as much as I love this! And, seriously? You can't beat $10! It just goes to show you what a little paint and jewelry can do!(Oh & those hearts aren't a part of the bucket. They're just radiating off of my cupcake!)

Come back tomorrow for Blogversations! Those of you who have asked me whether I have an accent or not can finally judge for yourselves!

Holy Geez, if you made it through this randomness... CONGRAT
ULATIONS! YOU, my friend, deserve a red velvet cupcake!

***edited to add... once I published this post and re-read it I realized that at some point I accidentally typed FRO instead of FOR, I'm too lazy to go back and find that, but just letting you know I DID in fact see it. It bugged me enough to come back here and tell you, but not enough to find it and fix it.***

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Writer's Workshop: I'm No Daddy's Girl

Writer's Workshop
Write about a time that you hurt someone that still bothers you to this day
I was 10 or 11. My Mom and I were shopping when I came across some earrings that I wanted. They were hideous and I. HAD. TO. HAVE. THEM. Here's what they looked like...

So, you're probably like, "Aww, well that's not that bad for a 10 year old. It's kind of sweet." I guess... if you're close to your Dad. Here's the deal... I'M NOT. I was strictly a Mama's girl from the moment I took my very first breath. I hated leaving her side. I wanted to be her(I still do). I can remember the moment I turned to my Mom in the jewelry store and told her I had chosen THOSE. "Well, why though?", she asked sweetly. "I don't know? I just like them!" She took the earrings from me and paid for them without hesitation.

I don't ever remember my parents being together. They ended things when I was a baby, and my Mom raised my brother, sister and I on her own since then. My dad always paid child support. He called every morning and every night. He would come over sometimes to help with school projects or cook us dinner. I saw him a few times a week, but 99% of my upbringing was done by my Mom. My mom made sure there was a meal on the table, that we had "cool" clothes, that we always used good manners, that we were bathed and brushed, that we were mentally and physically well... you get it. SHE. DID. IT. ALL. And when I say all, I mean the negative things too. If there was a punishment to be given, it was going to be given by her. He was the good guy and she was the bad guy. When you're a kid, you don't get why. It wasn't until I was a teenager that I realized that my Mom was actually my Mom AND DAD. She is the most amazing woman I know. How she did it, I'll never know.

I remember the look on her face and the twinkle fading from her eye that day as I proudly held up those stupid earrings. I didn't realize it then, but i was just dying for his attention. I knew he'd like the earrings, and that's why I liked the earrings. We don't have a great relationship anymore, because as I got older I realized he was always more of a trophy father than a Dad. He liked to be there in the moments of glory. He liked to play with me... but he wasn't a true parent to me. Still, I love him.

A few years ago when Boy and I went to NY, I saw a shirt that had my name written all over it. It was our last day in the city and it was Mother's Day. My first Mother's Day away from my Mom. I remember walking through the city and seeing families having brunch together. People on the streets had flowers to bring to their Mom's. I was so sad to not be with her on that day. The shirt simply said:

I scooped it up & wore it home the following day. As I was walking up the front steps dragging my luggage behind me, my Mom walked out and her eyes began to twinkle as the smile on her face grew. I cried when she hugged me, thinking back on the that moment so many years ago in the jewelry store. I'm not sure she even remembers, but it haunts me.

I still wear that shirt all the time, and she still smiles everytime she sees it!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

SpRiNg fLiNg GiVeAwAy

SpRiNg fLiNg

It's giveaway time! I have a few Easter goods to giveaway to get your house prepped for Spring! The little bunny, who I've affectionally named FuFu, is so stinkin' cute I want to keep him for myself! & the hand towel was inspired by FuFu ;) The picture really doesn't do the towel justice! There will also be a few extra goodies thrown in!
-All you have to do to enter is leave a comment!
(if you don't have a blog, leave a contact email so I can let you know if you win!)
-2 additional entries for followers!
(leave a comment to let me know you're following!)
Giveaway ends Thursday @ 11:59pm
Winner will be announced Friday!
((Following is a good idea, because this giveaway is just leading up to a bigger giveaway!))

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Somewhere only we know...

(These are all actual pictures of the place you're about to read about. & I added a song that makes me smile and think of this time in my life everytime I hear it. Go press play, it's worth it!)

Growing up, my two best friends were my neighbors. We were inseparable. Our favorite time of year was Summer, when we had all day to sneak away and get into all kinds of mischief! One summer, we discovered a piece of land that we didn't know existed. It felt like a different world.(Not the one with Whitley, y'all!) We were walking down a familiar trail in a patch of woods near our homes, we loved this particular trail because it had a creek we had to cross. NOT Terabithia style, Dirty Dancing style! You know what I'm talking about...

Uhm, YES- of course we sang the song as we crossed. Dangerous & stupid? YES. Fun & worth it? Abso-freakin-lutely. We normally wouldn't go much further than the creek crossing... I mean, that's where all the fun was. For some reason, one day we ventured further into the woods. What we found took our breaths away.

WHO KNEW?! We ran and played on the land and explored the structures that remained on this piece of heaven we stumbled upon. Turns out, it was an old boyscout camp ground. We walked through the abandoned cafeteria & sat on the porch of the old trading post and talked about boys and life.

After about a half hour of feeling worlds away, we heard the barking of dogs and saw a pack of them in the distance. We jumped up off the porch and started running back down the trail that had led us there. We held hands the whole way. I don't remember slowing down until we crossed the creek. I remember falling over laughing at the adventure we had just had together. This is one of my fondest memories. It felt like a place only we knew about(though, it clearly wasn't). I remember feeling 10 again that day, and really needing that feeling more than ever.

Oh, did i mention we were 15 & 16? :)

One of those girls was Mrs. Paul Reiser... who is still my very best friend.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


My thoughts on The Bachelor? CLICK HERE!
You don't care? Scroll down for useless information!
It's how old I'll be on my next Birthday
1. What is your favorite sit-down restaurant?
rock. rock, rock, rock. Pictures, Images and Photos
PLus Sign Pictures, Images and Photos
Sake Pictures, Images and Photos

2. What food could you eat for 2 weeks straight and not get sick of it?

sushi Pictures, Images and Photos

3. Have you ever had anything removed from your body?

tooth Pictures, Images and Photos
4. What is the last heavy item you lifted?
doll face Pictures, Images and Photos
5. Have you ever been knocked unconscious?
nope Pictures, Images and Photos
6. If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die?
no way Pictures, Images and Photos
7. If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
Only when I'm

MARRIED Pictures, Images and Photos
8. What’s your goal for the year?

commit Pictures, Images and Photos
9. Last person you hugged?

girl and boy Pictures, Images and Photos
10. First place you went this morning?
cute crib Pictures, Images and Photos
11. Do you always answer your phone?
no Pictures, Images and Photos
12. It’s four in the morning and you get a text message, who is it?
rach! Pictures, Images and Photos
13. If you could change your eye color what would it be?
Behind Blue Eyes Pictures, Images and Photos
14. What’s on your wish list for your birthday?
make a wish Pictures, Images and Photos
If I tell you, it won't come true.
15. Does the future make you more nervous or excited?
Kitten Smiling Yays! Pictures, Images and Photos
16. Do you have any saved texts?
Text message Pictures, Images and Photos
What do you think?
17. Ever been in a car wreck?
My butt hurts! Pictures, Images and Photos
Just a little bump in the rear! Haha
18. Do you have an accent
Sweet Tea - Sapphire Pictures, Images and Photos
Every once in a while a word will come out sounding country. It is RARE and I def. notice it.
19. What was the last song to make you cry?
almost lover. Pictures, Images and Photos
20. What did you do last night?
sewing Pictures, Images and Photos

21. Have you ever felt like you hit rock bottom?
Leaning on the Rock Pictures, Images and Photos

Yes, but if you never hit the bottom you won't be thankful when you reach the top.
22. Current hate right now?
Bachelor Pictures, Images and Photos
I'm just sick of hearing about it in general at this point in the night.
23. Met someone who changed your life?
absolutely Pictures, Images and Photos
24. How did you bring in the New Year?
cuddling Pictures, Images and Photos
25. What song represents you?
sometimes im clueless and clumsy but i\'ve got friends that love me Pictures, Images and Photos